Pending Reviews

This API is used to fetch the list of pending reviews for a particular buyer.

Endpoint #

The Voomerr Pending Reviews endpoint is POST

Request Parameters #

Parameter Required Description
buyer_id Yes The ID of the buyer whose pending reviews need to be fetched
currency No The currency in which the prices need to be returned. If not provided, default currency will be used.

Request Example #

"buyer_id": "12345",
"currency": "USD"

Response Parameters #

Parameter Description
review_id The ID of the review
gig_id The ID of the gig for which the review is pending
seller_id The ID of the seller who provided the service
title The title of the review
comment The comment provided by the buyer
rating The rating given by the buyer
currency The currency in which the prices are returned
price The price paid by the buyer
image The image uploaded by the buyer
created_at The date and time at which the review was created

Response Example #

"status": "success",
"data": [
"review_id": "1234",
"gig_id": "5678",
"seller_id": "9012",
"title": "Great work",
"comment": "The seller did a great job. Would highly recommend.",
"rating": "5",
"currency": "USD",
"price": "50",
"image": "",
"created_at": "2022-02-27 15:30:00"
"review_id": "5678",
"gig_id": "1234",
"seller_id": "3456",
"title": "Excellent service",
"comment": "The seller provided excellent service. Would definitely use again.",
"rating": "4",
"currency": "USD",
"price": "75",
"image": null,
"created_at": "2022-02-26 12:00:00"

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