Follow Users

The “follow_users” API is used to allow a user to follow another user on the Voomerr platform. This API takes in the ID of the user who wants to follow another user (user_id) and the ID of the user that they want to follow (other_user_id). The response from the API indicates whether the follow request was successful or not. If successful, the response message will indicate a success message, otherwise an error message will be returned.

Endpoint #

The Voomerr Follow Users endpoint is POST

Request Parameters #

Parameter Required Description
user_id Yes The ID of the user who wants to follow another user.
other_user_id Yes The ID of the user who is being followed.
currency No The currency to be used for pricing. If not specified, the default currency will be used.

Request Example #

"user_id": 123,
"other_user_id": 456,
"currency": "USD"

Response Parameters #

Parameter Description
status A boolean value indicating whether the request was successful or not. True if successful, false otherwise.
message A string containing a message regarding the status of the request. If the request was successful, this parameter will contain a success message, otherwise, an error message.

Response Example #

"status": true,
"message": "User with ID 123 is now following user with ID 456"

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