Withdraw Offer

This API allows a user to withdraw an offer that they have made on a gig. The ‘offer_id’ parameter specifies the ID of the offer that the user wants to withdraw.

The response from the API will be in JSON format and will include a status code indicating the success or failure of the request. If the request is successful, the response will include a message indicating that the offer has been withdrawn. If the request fails, the response will include an error message describing the reason for the failure.

Endpoint #

The Voomerr Withdraw Offer API endpoint is POST https://admin.voomerr.com/api/withdraw_offer.php

Input Parameters #

Parameter Required Description
‘offer_id’ Yes The ID of the offer to withdraw.

Output #

The API will return a JSON object with the following properties:

Property Description
‘status’ A string indicating the status of the API request. Possible values: ‘success’ or ‘error’.
‘message’ A string containing a message explaining the result of the API request.
‘offer_id’ An integer representing the ID of the offer that was withdrawn. This property will only be present if the request was successful.

Example Request #

POST https://admin.voomerr.com/api/withdraw_offer.php
"offer_id": 1234

Example Response #

"status": "success",
"message": "Offer has been withdrawn successfully.",
"offer_id": 1234
"status": "error",
"message": "Offer could not be withdrawn. Please try again later."

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